What is a Domain?

Domain Name: It is the process of keeping the name of your company or organization and its information by the internet name servers (DNS).
When you registere a name, for example, mycompany.com, many systems in the world keep information that your name is registered and on which system the hosting is related to it. This is called "domain name" service.

The domain names ending with names such as com, organ, net are registered from abroad, and domain names ending with .TR are registered domestically. Kalfaoğlu does both of these for you. Technically, the two are identical - there is no difference between getting a domain name ending in .COM and getting a domain name ending in .COM.TR. Even the only differences are price and registration: For domains ending in COM.TR, a document (such as official newspaper, etc.) that proves that you have the right to receive this domain name is required during registration.

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