Server Migration Starting!

Migration to the new server is starting.. Some customers will be moved to the new server starting on the 29th of June 2023.

You may receive some duplicate emails during these few days, but we expect no other interruptions.


29th Juni 2023
New server coming!

We will soon be adding a new and faster Linux server to our server array. 

We will let you know when there is more progress on this subject!

21st Juni 2023
New VPN Certificates

It's been 10 years! Our VPN server certificate was generated for 10 years, and it has just expired today! We generated new ones and our VPN server is running with the new certifiates, but YOUR Certificate and Key files need to be renewed too. Please contact us to upgrade your VPN configuration file to the latest version. Thank you!   Läs mer »

4th Juni 2023

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